Tuesday, September 28, 2010

So Gorgeous

I really would LOVE to be able to do dolls at least half as beautiful as yours.  Can you tell me
how one learns to make them?

Friday, July 30, 2010

It's been a while!

Somehow I lost track of this.
Well I am still struggling and finally joined Weight Watchers. I am glad I did as I am now making progress. So far I am down 7lbs, granted that is not much but it is a good start.  The best thing is I am finally doing exercise and eating the right way. Why do we fight against doing what we KNOW we should do. Somehow we always feel we do it some shortcut way and all we do is waste time. Just as I have wasted time. I could have been to goal if I would have just used common sense and done all the things I know are right. BUT NO..So even though I am cheap and hate spending the money for Weight Watchers,( especially when I already know all they could teach me)I just decided to bite the bullet and join.  I love the meetings and all the ladies and the leader is great AND I must admit I am learning...guess you can say it is never too late and we also need to admit...guess I did not know everything.....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Here we go again

I am starting this weight loss journey one more time. God willing it will be my last time.
I was reading a guideposts story yesterday as I rode my elliptical. This story caused me to realize I was asking God for too much....not that God could not handle my problem. What I realized He had given me all the tools I needed and the rest was up to me. Now it is too bad that it has taken me so long to figure that out, but I am glad I finally did. After reading another blog from a gal with a great Red Dress story I have decided since I do not have a red dress I will use a swimsuit story in it's place. Everytime I open that frig, or my pantry, or go grocery shopping I will see myself as I was in that swimsuit some 30 years ago. NOW I know I will never look exactly the same, but I do not expect too.....so HERE WE GO>